Men's ministry

Join our men's ministry where we cultivate camaraderie, spiritual growth, and support to empower men in their faith journey. 

Join the Men's Group Thread

Sign up for Telegram and stay up to date on the Men's activities. 

Join "The Gathering Men's Ministry" Telegram group for prayer and current communications (reach out to Danny for details)

Wednesday evening men's Bible study

6:30 - 8:15 pm
@ the church building

Men, join us every Wednesday (unless otherwise noted) at 6:30 pm for our weekly men's Bible study. Meet other men trying to be what God has called them to be. Whether you are a member of The Gathering Church or not, you are welcome each week and encouraged to invite a friend. 

Upcoming Events

Men's Re-Charge

April 11th - 13th

More details to come.